This is the front of the album. I cut each onesie by hand from chipboard. No two are alike (despite my best efforts - lol).
I used twill tape and Velcro for the closure (buttons on top are decorative only).
Opened up, the top has "Player Stats" - Drew's height, weight, birthday - since he was born before I finished the album I was able to type the information and add it. The tag on the bottom slides out of the frame (I put pop dots under it), so they can add pictures on both sides.
The remaining pages have picture mats and places for journaling along with one more raised frame and tag.
I made the back look like a football jersey, complete with our little guy's name. (Don't ask how I got all the pictures turned around except for this one - it's a mystery to me :) Thanks for stopping by! Until next time, take care!